
So Proud of you Son!

It has been an incredible journey indeed!! From the moment I first took Bailey to Kindergarten I have been in Awe of this kind, loving, caring and bright Soul. No matter what has been thrown at him he has absorbed the information, put a smile on his face, put his chin up and moved forward. Our Son….you can not even imagine how hard it is to steady a camera and focus a clear shot when your chest is about explode with the pride you have for the Brave and Strong young man you are trying to get a picture of. You did it! YOUR hard work and refusal to give up is paying off! All above and all around is so proud of you!

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One thought on “So Proud of you Son!

  1. Very proud indeed of Bailey, you are an amazing young man!! Very proud also of Chad and Michelle, you have done an awesome job raising and guiding Bailey into the person he is today! Congrats to all!! 👏👏💕💕

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