Feed the adrenaline, starve the fear!!!

  The horse can lend its rider speed and strength he or she lacks, but the rider who is wise remembers it is no more then a loan ~ Pam Brown This weekend was an incredible experience!! We are coming home with SOOooo much more then any ribbon or top score can EVER be compared too.  Now let me give a small back story. This is Shelby and Burning Desire’s (Aloe) first year going to shows. Aloe has been under saddle for a year and is turning five next month. These two have been working hard all winter and building a great bond…..so great that when They were going over jump number seven in stadium and the rein malfunctioned and came undone at the bit, They were able to navigate through it and both horse and rider went straight to Coach Sarah Bradley after to get it fixed and a confirmation to continue. Which they did…..four jumps later.    I have spent the last couple of days looking at the photos and re-watching the video and I am still in awe. At 15 years of age for the rider and turning 5 next month for horse…..TRUELY what we witnessed was not the norm. The outcome should’ve been much worse. All I ever hear about is the “Bond”…….this weekend I witnessed it.  It followed through when they headed out of the start box for XCountry. Of all the horses I would trust my child to be on hurdling across acres of jumps, hills and water it is Aloe! Also of all the riders to be on this young mare it would be the gentle but firm hand of this 15 year old rider.     They may not of brought home “high point” or a fist full of ribbons….non of that compares to what they did bring home. They proved to themselves that they are a strong team that is growing. They have an incredible bond. They also proved that is ALWAYS better to Feed the adrenaline, starve the fear.  Keep going Girls!! Enjoy the rush!!!

One thought on “Feed the adrenaline, starve the fear!!!

  1. So much admiration and pride in my heart for Shelby and her team-mate Burning Dersire(Aloe). Way to follow your dreams Shelbs!! I love your photos Michelle and thanks for sharing your heart! 😍

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