Breaking Free of the negative.

So I’ve been kinda rolling with the waves for the last two month. I had a harsh snap back to reality and needed to stay “still” to try and figure out the “Why?’s” 

  • Why falsely accuse people of situations that don’t exist?
  • Why ignore them for weeks to drive home how adamant you are to have others believe the lie?
  • Why write a letter that only expresses how “Correct” they are and inject it with further falsities? Then conceal it with “concern” towards that persons supposed “anger”  
  • Why make it sound like the other person was the one who “shut the door” so to speak?
  • Why work towards twisting the truth and make it look like the other person should be questioning their actions? 

They did not create this situation……in actuality it is a situation that never existed. They are simply being accused of it, punished and then told how wrong they are and must make amends for a drama that was created in someone else’s head…..for the sake of what? To create destruction where there was no need or reason for it……..

For Control! 
It is more then likely this persons world is spinning out of control and YOU have become an easy mark to take control of. If they can shift the “Audience” to you for a short time, then maybe the “Audience” won’t see the slight of hand that they are about to play. Or maybe you have allowed them to control you in the past and now somewhere, somehow you have refused to follow…..asserted your independence and that doesn’t serve their needs the way they want it to. Whatever the motive, it is always about control……and the biggest thing you must remember is it is “their” issue, not yours. Let them spin out. It is them losing control…..keep it that way! Get the hell out of the way and don’t get sucked into the vortex!

Now what do you do when a person goes out of their way to destroy and devalue your relationship for reasons only they hold the key too?………

Nothing! It’s their problem, their game! It’s their tool to self preservation. If you think you can try playing it and win, you are just as sick as they are! There are no rules or guidelines! Only a goal and that goal is for them to WIN! Win the sympathy of all. WIN by Stripping you of all your sense of sanity. WIN by showing what a martyr they are for putting up with “you” and yet they still are concerned about you (not really, it’s just a show) WIN by giving you proof as too why they are to be obeyed, you are not to step out of line or think independently. WIN by regaining control. Walk away the game is a trap and you are the prey…..simply stay away!

If it is not the first time, it has to be the last time. We teach people how we want to be treated.There has to be no budging on your part anymore, that grace was already given.

Yet here you are again with all these “Why’s” and questioning your own sanity when you are more then aware of the truths. Whether you like it or not. You have no room for this type of narcissism in your life….it is designed to throw you off balance, because they are too. They want the company, the drama….Did you partake in this before? Have had a roll in these past “plays”? Take ownership of your part! Then make a promise to yourself not to do it again………let it be a huge eyeopener as to why You may have had such patience for it in your past and present relationships. Admit to your roll in allowing the abuse to happen and promise yourself to end it now! This behaviour is toxic. Dispose of it! Break free of it!

YOU are not disposable and should never bend and twist to fit the fancy of artificial drama for the sake of someone else feeling better. For someone else to gain control of you…..when they should be focused on controlling themselves …….. Why? ……because you deserve to be happy and stay happy………because your not the one that is broken, they are….

Wish them well. They are not well. A healthy balanced mind does not need such tools to survive. Hope they find their own balance and set an example by keeping yours. Namaste

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