Breaking old patterns

Breaking old patterns

I have to share this with all of you. It is so important for all of us to understand that we TRUELY are in charge of our own life. The only thing we have control of is Ourselves. Our reactions, our positions, our boundaries and our beliefs. 
If you have been wronged, accept it. It happened. Set your boundaries to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Then let it go. Don’t rehash, over talk, repeat play it over and over again. That is unhealthy and self destructive. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO JUSTIFY YOUR FEELINGS! If you focus all your energy into the hurt then you will have no energy for the healing. Like attracts like! 
Accept your part in it! This is not to say you were or were not the victim. It is your chance to focus on the solution. What energy were you Unconsciously or Subconsciously bringing to the equation? Why did you have buttons that could be pushed? If your energy is fast flowing and sharp there is no good that is going to come from it. You need to walk away and regain focus. If you felt this way why did you stay engaged? What work can you do for yourself to enable you to keep balanced the next time this situation arises. 
Remember it is always fluid! Just because you said it, or it was said to you doesn’t mean it can’t be taken back. If you can check your ego at the door, you will be okay with correcting a wrong. If your balanced you will WANT to correct it. We all can be out of balance, We all get heated, we all spew out stuff we knew didn’t need that energy put to it, correct it. If you still have your ego checked at the door you will have compassion to the damage that the other party has and understand that they don’t have balance, therefore are unable to think clearly. Patience, compassion, understanding and time will slowly work these things out.
You only have control of you! You can not control how or when others heal Or if they choose to heal. Accept this. Do not put energy into “Them” getting balance, put focus into YOU getting and staying balanced. 
And for the love of you! If you are running on old patterns from the past that serve no purpose acknowledge that!! If you are feeling and experiencing emotions that flair up from no where. Ask yourself why? Those buttons might have been hit because the other party knew they were there OR had no idea they were……
Please read this clip! It’s important info that everyone can benefit from:

Beliefs are powerful things. I’m sure you’ve heard the concept that thoughts are things and that everything has a vibration or frequency. If thoughts are things, then they also have a frequency. You’ve probably also heard that like attracts like. So the thoughts you are putting out there are attracting like things unto themselves. Well, your beliefs are thoughts that something is true and will attract to you what you believe. Your beliefs set up the parameters of what you will experience.
So, how can you break out of negative patterns caused by beliefs that repeat over and over? These patterns can only be broken in the following ways:
1. First of all you have to own that you are the creator of your reality. This puts you into your own power and takes you out of victim consciousness.

2. You must also own that you created the pattern out of the acceptance that you had of a limited belief made available to you by others or one that you made up for yourself.

3. Whenever a negative pattern that repeats itself shows up, thank the universe for showing you this pattern again because now you have the opportunity to recognize, “I am not creating my own reality, or I am pretending not to create my own reality and here’s a place where I can take my power back and I can make a new choice.”

4. Now, from a powerful reality creator position, change your belief by realizing that the only reason you are getting the ensuing outcome is because through the Law of Attraction, the universe if fulfilling your belief. So, do whatever you need to do to change the belief that isn’t serving you.In my practice, I teach people how to access their Subconscious and Unconscious Minds where beliefs are stored and I teach them how to replace their current belief with a new belief.

5. With your new belief in place, make a different choice and with your intention, inform the Universe that this is your new choice. This will break you out of the old pattern. 

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